June 8- June 28, 2025.

Please download and read through the General Scholar Handbook, which has essential information about the Academy!
The class preference survey opens April 7. In the meantime, please browse this summer’s course offerings!
If you missed the zoom informational session the recording link is below.
Additionally, you can access the informational slides here.
Two forms are required: the General Scholar Form and the Medical Release Form. These forms must be filled out and submitted by 5 pm on May 9th
Head to our Forms & Documents Page to fill them out!
If you do not submit the Medical Release Form on time, please download a copy and bring it with you to check-in.
To stay up to date on Academy information, please like the MSA Facebook site (“Missouri Scholars Academy”) and our Instagram Page (missourischolarsacademy)
The Teacher Appreciation survey opens April 7.
Need to make changes to the nominee information you submitted? Send us an email at moscholarsacademy@missouri.edu and let us know!