Published on Oct. 24, 2024

Each year, MSA faculty, RAs, and Directors choose a scholar who they believe fully embodies the spirit of the Academy to speak at the annual closing ceremony. For the 2024 Academy, Alessia Roten was honored as this scholar.
Years before she was able to apply, Alessia knew the Missouri Scholars Academy was somewhere she wanted to be. In her Closing Ceremony speech, Alessia reminisced about the first time she heard the letters “MSA” from her fifth-grade gifted teacher, Mr.Cox, in her hometown of Springfield.
It all started when Mr.Cox received an email.
“Being the overly inquisitive child that I was, who was very invested in the lesson t hand, I ran over to [my teacher] with complete disregard for privacy to read this very important email myself,” Alessia recalled, “At the top of the screen, there was a picture of six giant stone columns and a hundred kids with their arms outstretched around them.”

Her gifted teacher told her about MSA, adding that “it’s a place that changes the lives of kids who can change the world.”
Little did her former teacher know, simply opening an email from the Academy in front of Alessia would spark a drive within her to attend MSA. Right then, Alessia knew she wanted to be part of that experience.
“At ten years old, I had never met anyone who heard me, who understood my dreams and hopes,” Alessia admitted, a statement which rang true for another six years, until the summer of 2024.
Engaged, curious, and positive were all adjectives used to describe Alessia as she was introduced at the 2024 Closing Ceremony. She was a leader in her major and minor classes, “IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT): An Exploration of Art-Based-Isms” with Brian Stuhlman and “Nutgrafs, Ledes, & Bylines: A Survey of Journalism Strategies” with Caitlin Palmer. Throughout the Academy, faculty observed her soaking up all that there was to experience – from having meaningful conversations in the classroom to making connections across multiple MSA communities. Described by her RA Abbey Booth as the epitome of what MSA is all about, Alessia’s emotional intelligence and positivity were admired by many who had the delight to come in contact with her during the Academy.

Alessia’s keen observation skills enabled her to find beauty and power in everyday scholar activities.
“I’ve seen games of scrabble and taboo more heated than a fistfight; I’ve listened to debates more heartfelt than a hug. I’ve watched you all become yourselves more with every day that passed, and I’ve watched you all grow, as I have, to care more for one and other than should be possible in such a short time by any definition of physics.”
Anyone who has ever experienced the magic created within the walls of Mark Twain, the Geology Building, and all over MSA’s campus understands this sentiment. Connections occur in even the most mundane actions. But it is scholars like Alessia who make it possible.

Alessia redefines what “giftedness” means. For her, it’s not just about test scores, memorization skills, or the ability to learn a musical instrument in record time. Gifted students are much more than academic ability.
“You have not just been gifted with ability; you have been gifted with opportunity,” Alessia said, “You have been gifted with the opportunity to change the world. To make a life of purpose, whatever yours may be.”
Alessia’s attendance at the Academy was also a gift to us. We are extremely proud of what she was able to accomplish during and after the Academy. After MSA, Alessia carried her spirit with her back to Logan-Rogersville High School, where she is currently completing her junior year.
We will leave you with Alessia’s closing remark, where she directly spoke to her fellow scholars, whom she now considered old friends after only three weeks.
“The entire world is open to us in a way that it has never been before. Scholars, dreamers, leaders, artists, lovers, friends- Seize it.”