Rachel Harper
Associate Director
Phone: 573-882-3009
Email: HarperRP@missouri.edu
A winner of the William T. Kemper Award and a Purple Chalk Award, Dr. Rachel Harper is the Associate Director of the Honors College and the Coordinator of the Honors Humanities Series. She has taught at MU since 1996 and in the Humanities Sequence since 1998.
Originally from Champaign, Illinois, Dr. Harper holds a Ph.D. in American Literature from the University of Missouri and a B.A. in English and Spanish from Illinois Wesleyan University. Before becoming the Associate Director of the Honors College, she was the Director of MU’s Writing Center for ten years. Currently, she is working on a critical edition of Jean Kenyon Mackenzie’s 1928 novella The Trader’s Wife and various articles related to tutoring writing and teaching, including ones on applying acting theory to tutoring with Dr. Greg Foster and on the ending of Don Quixote that was inspired by her teaching in the Humanities Series.
When she’s not doing all of the above or serving on a million committees, she’s chasing her three small children, going to MU football games with her husband Jeff, and drinking coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.