- A Brush with Art
- Biological Literature
- The Chemistry Club: Science Sleuths
- Create and Produce: Music Theatre Workshop
- Education: Theirs, Ours, Yours
- Turning Ideas into Reality
- Explorations in Music Technology
- For All Time MSA 2000 Yearbook
- Human Population
- Introduction to Archaeology
- I Think, Therefore I Am
- It’s About Time
- It’s the End of the World as We Know It
- Japanese Language and Culture
- “Listen Up” Social Issues Behind Music in America and Beyond
- Patterns: Mathematics is Everywhere
- Martian Mission
- Mathematical Mazes for the Mind
- Introduction to Philosophy: Great Thoughts Worth Thinking
- It’s pHun. It’s a Gas. It’s Chemistry!
- Perfect and Pathological Mathematics
- Physics Big and Small
- Physics, Science and Pseudoscience
- Puzzles, Games and Problem Solving
- Monasteries, Mass-Murderers, and the Mafia: What is and Why is Russia?
- America’s Fascination with Sports and Sports Heroes
- Renaissance Computing: If Da Vinci Had a Dell
- Stylistic Signatures
- Taking a Chance
- The Reel Thing
- The Ultimate Universe
- The Wandering Protagonist
- Time Travel
- Who are the Russians?
- ¡Salsa! 2003