I. Course description
Although everyone will have specific memories of his/her time at the Missouri Scholars Academy, nothing can preserve those memories better than a written account of the events. Scholars in this course will produce a booklet telling the story of the Academy through pictures and words. Students will not only write the copy and complete the artwork for the publication, but will also design and typeset it using modern desktop publishing.
II. Instructor’s educational preparation and current employment
Teacher’s Name: Nancy R. Singer
- Education:
- University of Missouri—Columbia, B.S. Ed., 1986.
- University of Missouri—Columbia, M.Ed., 1992.
- Current Position: Instructor and English Department Chair
- Boonville High School, 1690 W. Ashley Rd., Boonville, MO 65233
- Courses Taught:College Prep English (college-bound, grade 12)
- Newspaper Publication (grades 10-12)
- Yearbook Publication (grades 10-12)
- E-Mail Address: nsinger@boonville.k12.mo.us
III. Rationale for inclusion in a program for gifted students
Although the Missouri Scholars Academy strives to offer its participants coursework they might not normally have in their high schools, a “yearbook” experience is still a justified one. Many gifted students find themselves working hard for College Prep or Honors certificates; they have no time for elective courses such as journalism. Therefore, a course like this at MSA allows gifted students to explore, to try his or her hand at something he or she would not be able to “fit into their schedules” at their sending school.
IV. Major topics covered
Students will plan, write and produce a 32-page yearbook covering the events of the Academy.
V. Pre-requisite knowledge
None, although students familiar with computers and desktop publishing will have a leg up.
VI. Learning objectives
At the conclusion of this course students should be able to:
- Reporting/Copy Editing Skills
- Recognize a news opportunity.
- Create an effective lead.
- Prepare and conduct him or herself properly in an interview.
- Edit copy for completeness and style.
- Write effective headlines.
- Meet deadlines.
- Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
- Check accuracy of names, dates, and places.
- Read and comprehend proofreader’s marks.
- Design Skills
- Develop an overall theme for the yearbook.
- Plan cover and divisions to depict the theme.
- Design attractive, cohesive sections.
- Demonstrate innovative uses of text design in copy.
- Demonstrate innovative placement of text, graphics, and photos.
- Demonstrate use of appropriate headings, subheadings, and lead-in sentences.
- Desktop Publishing Skills
- Create and manipulate documents using PageMaker software.
- Demonstrate use of advanced features such as drop caps, kerning, text wrap, and other commands as required.
- Edit document to exact specifications for columns, folio tabs, copy, captions, headings and subheadings.
- Print out publisher-ready copy.
VII. Primary source material
There is no primary text for this class.
VIII. Supplementary source material
Teacher Handouts
XI. Computing and the Internet (if applicable)
Students will use computer lab facilities for writing/layout of the publication.