Kathy Nicolaus, Instructor
- Games of Strategy and Game Theory
- Learn games
- Determine and discuss strategies
- Analyze games and define strategies
- Play GOPS
- discuss reactions
- apply to politics, business and war
- Create a strategy game and determine strategy
- Tower of Hanoi
- learn strategy
- discuss recursive pattern and write equation
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Rabbit problem
- Fibonnacci Sequence
- Geometric Fallacy
- Golden Ratio (T)
- Construct Golden Rectangles
- Golden Spiral
- Golden section
- Pascal’s Triangle
- Serpinski Triangle
- Penrose Tillings
- Tessellations
- Regular/irregular polygons of one sort
- Semi-regular tessellations
- overlaying tessellations
- Types of symmetry
- Escher Tessellations
- Use of symmetry in tessellations
- Tessellations on the rectangle, triangle, and hexagon
- Final Project
MSA Major/Minor Course: Patterns; Mathematics Is EverywhereReferences:- Briggs, J., Fractals The Patterns of Chaos, Simon and Schuster, 1992
- Britton, Jill, Introduction to Tessellations, Dale Seymour Publications, 1989
- Devlin, Keith, Mathematics The Science of Patterns, Scientific American Library, 1994
- Farmer, David W., Groups and Symmetry: A Guide to Discovering Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 1996
- Gardner, Martin, Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions, Simon and Schuster, 1959
- Luce, R. Duncan, Raiffa, Howard, Games and Decisions Introduction and Critical Survey
- Fractals
- Chaos Theory
- Feedback
- Video Feedback Experiment
- Chaos Game
- Self-Similaritiy Activities
- Box Self-Similarity and the Limit
- Fractal Construction
- Fractal Dimension
- Function Iteration
- The Mandelbrot Set
- Movie: The Geometry of the Mandelbrot SetÓ
- Fractal microscope: www.shodor.com
- Creating a recursive design using Geometer’s Sketchpad