Featured Event
Thursday, May 1, 2025: 7-9 p.m.
- Columbia
- Middlebush Auditorium (Room 132)
- 900 University Ave., Columbia, MO 65211
- Kansas City
- University of Missouri Kansas City
- Miller Nichols Learning Center (Room 451)
- 800 E 51st St., Kansas City, MO 64110
- Metered parking lots are located on the north side of the building
- Springfield
- Springfield Library (Frisco Community Conference Room)
- 2535 N Kansas Expressway, Springfield, MO 65803
- St. Louis
- Cliff Cave Library (Meeting Room)
- 5430 Telegraph Road, St. Louis, MO 63129
Thursday, May 8, 2025: 7-8 p.m.
Join MSA administrators for an informational session covering the structure of the Academy and important deadlines related to the 2025 Missouri Scholars Academy, this will include a question-and-answer portion for the parents and scholars. This presentation will be conducted over Zoom and recorded for those who cannot attend.
Zoom Link: umsystem.zoom.us/j/93567841122 (Meeting ID: 935 6784 1122)
Upcoming Events
January 11-12, 2025
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Zoom Link: TBD
- Schedule: TBD
April 12, 2025
215 Tate Hall
- 9 a.m.: Coffee/donuts
- 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.: Training
Sunday, June 8, 2025: 1:30 p.m.
The University of Missouri proudly welcomes students, parents, faculty, staff members, MU administrators, and special guests to the opening convocation of the 40th annual Missouri Scholars Academy. The Academy is a cornerstone in the state’s efforts to build better learning opportunities for gifted students.
Saturday, June 21, 2025
- The Missouri Scholars Academy is proud to celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2025. Since its inception, MSA has been dedicated to providing academically gifted high school students with a transformative experience that nurtures their intellectual growth, creativity, and interpersonal skills. This milestone marks four decades of inspiring excellence and fostering a love for learning among Missouri’s brightest young minds.
- Please fill out a brief Alumni Survey to help us learn more about your MSA experiences.
- A detailed schedule of events will be available in March.
Sunday, June 22, 2025
Family Day is Sunday, June 22, 2025. Scholars may be checked out as early as 8 a.m. Simply come to the Mark Twain Lobby and the RAs will help ensure your scholars are ready to go! Scholars must be signed out before leaving.
If you plan to have your scholar leave with anyone other than a parent or legal guardian, you must email mucasmsareslife@missouri.edu to give permission. Many scholars will spend the day with a family friend or roommate’s family if their parents aren’t available.
We will have some optional afternoon programming on Sunday as well:
- 1:30 – Meet the Faculty! Visit teachers in their classrooms
- 2:30 – Informational Session on “From MSA to the MU Honors College & How the Heck to Pay For It” – Middlebush Auditorium
- 3:30 – Trivia Contest – Scholars and Families compete in Geology Auditorium
- All scholars must be returned to Mark Twain to sign themselves in no later than 5 p.m.
Friday, June 20, 2025
Every year scholars are asked to nominate a teacher who made a difference in their lives. Teachers are then invited to visit the Academy, attend afternoon sessions, have dinner with their student, and participate in evening programs. We are looking forward to recognizing all the fabulous teachers out there!
Nominated Teachers: Please fill out the RSVP survey and register your car for parking on campus. These links can be found in your e-mail invitation. Check in at Reynolds Alumni Center when you arrive. Here is a sample of your schedule for the afternoon/evening.
- 3:30 p.m. – Arrive on campus and check in
- 4 p.m. – Attend one of several afternoon programs
- 5:30 p.m. – Attend dinner at Reynolds Alumni Center
- 6:45 p.m. – Group photo on the South steps of Jesse Hall of all the nominated teachers and their students!
- 7:15 p.m. – Ceremony begins, Cornell Hall (Bush Auditorium)
- 7:30 p.m. – Evening lecture
- 8:30 p.m. – Join us for a dessert reception
- All events will be over by 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 28, 2025
Scholars can be checked out by their guardians any time between 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 28, parents and scholars are responsible for the move-out process. Breakfast will be the last meal served at the Academy for Scholars.
The Closing Ceremony for MSA 2025 will be held at 10 a.m. in Jesse Auditorium. All scholars should check out with their RA, turn in their room key, pick up any medications with the med staff, and have their belongings moved out of Mark Twain before the Closing Ceremony Begins. Unlike Opening Day, move out is the responsibility of scholars and their families. It is expected that all scholars will attend the Closing Ceremony.
Scholars and Families will NOT be allowed back in the Mark Twain Residence Hall after the Closing Ceremony ends.
If your scholar will be checked out by someone other than a parent or guardian, you must email mucasmsareslife@missouri.edu to grant permission. Please include the name of the individual who will be checking out the scholar, along with a phone number where they can be reached if necessary.
Completed Events
We apologize that the zoom session had technical difficulties. Doug recorded a presentation, click on the link for that information: https://umsystem.zoom.us/rec/share/Ahec95_FVclxuSGV2oMWvsZmAyZ5RSR5Eu2sntHURQk_Pr5Bh4AmS9mwP40SKCOY.DBUIyv708xQ-MeRX
Live Q&A session has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 29 at noon. The zoom link is: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/97059603428

Zoom link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/99105963490?pwd=bWdpnTfSrOTveLVa3HaLeXuu97fCbk.1
Meeting ID: 991 0596 3490
If you have any questions, please email Doug Valentine at drvb8d@umsystem.edu.
We hope to see you there!