Academy Policies

All scholars, faculty and staff must abide by University of Missouri policies and regulations. Breaking the following rules/laws could result in expulsion or termination.

  • Possession or use of tobacco, illegal drugs, and alcoholic beverages
  • Possession or use of firearms, other weapons, or fireworks
  • Destruction of property
  • Breaking of any other state or federal law, including but not limited to theft, sexual harassment and assault, and threats of violence
  • Repeated violations regarding safety and conduct
  • Refusal to comply with directions from Academy officials
  • Contact sports such as football

Dress Code

What is the appropriate dress?

Though we have some guidelines, Missouri Scholars Academy does not maintain a strict dress code. Scholars should choose appropriate clothing for the weather and activity.

Required Dress Guidelines:

  • Every scholar is required to wear their academy name tag, prominently displayed on the upper torso, for the duration of the academy. Name tags may not be altered without the approval of residential life staff.
  • Shoes must be worn at all times when a scholar is away from their assigned floor in the residence hall.
  • The Opening Ceremony, Teacher Appreciation Day, and Closing Convocation are semi-formal events requiring scholars to dress nicely, what might be called “business casual.”

Recommended clothing items include:

  • Please bring appropriate clothing for typical Missouri weather in June! Scholars will be shuttling between air-conditioned classrooms and outdoor activities.
  • Closed-toe shoes are required for some activities during the Academy.
  • Prohibited clothing items include clothing items with inappropriate, offensive, or unhealthy language or logos.

Cell Phones and Other Technology

Scholars are permitted to use phones in their residence hall rooms and on their residence hall floors to call family and friends. They are not permitted to use phones in Academy classes, at Academy events, or anywhere off of their floors (including main lounges and lobbies). Desktop computers, DVD players, gaming systems, televisions, large stereos, and walkie-talkies are prohibited. Scholars may bring e-readers (Kindle, Nook), smart watches, and laptops to be used for online high school classes only.

Phones, smart watches, and laptops cannot leave scholars’ dorm rooms unless explicitly approved by MSA staff. Scholars will have access to computers and other electronic equipment as a part of their Academy activities and do not need to bring these items with them. If you choose to bring phones, smart watches, or laptops to the Academy, MSA is not responsible for any loss or damage.

Any phone seen or heard outside of the residence hall, off of the scholar’s assigned floor, or reported to the Academy staff will be confiscated in accordance with the following three-strike policy:

  • Strike One: The phone will be labeled and secured by the scholar’s resident assistant (RA) for the remainder of the day. At that evening’s house meeting, the RA will return the phone to the scholar with a warning.
  • Strike Two: The phone will be labeled and given to the Coordinators of Residential Life (CRL). A CRL will meet with the scholar that same day before returning the phone at the end of the day.
  • Strike Three: The phone will be labeled and secured by the Coordinators of Residence Life for the remainder of the Academy. The scholar may check out her/his phone via RAs or CRLs during all free times throughout the day to use on their floor.

Any prohibited technological devices found during the Academy will be secured immediately by a CRL and returned to the scholar on Family Day, to be taken from the premises, or at the end of the Academy.